1. Define forced vibration with sketch.
2. Explain the types of external excitation applied on a system.
3. Write down the equation of motion for a spring-mass system with viscous damping, excited by a simple harmonic force F = FO sin ωt. Also deduce the solution for it.
4. Explain the terms transient vibrations and steady state vibrations.
5. Explain the term magnification factor or dynamic magnifier.
6. Write short notes on:
(a) Frequency response curve, and (b) Phase frequency response curve.
7. Establish an expression for the amplitude of forced vibrations when forcing is caused by unbalance.
8. Why vibration isolation is necessary for all unbalanced machines?
9. Differentiate force isolation and motion isolation.
10. List out some commonly used isolating materials.
11. What do you understand by transmissibility?
12. Derive the equation of vibration isolation factor or transmissibility ratio.
13. Explain the terms force transmissibility and transmissibility.