Theory of Machines: Unit V: Balancing and Vibration

partial balancing of locomotive engine [balancing of two cylinder engines]

Types of Locomotives

Most of the locomotives used in our country are of two cylinders of the same dimensions.



Most of the locomotives used in our country are of two cylinders of the same dimensions. The cranks of the two cylinders are placed at right angles to each other in order to have uniformity in turning moment diagram (so that the engine can be started easily after stopping in any position).

1. Types of Locomotives

The locomotives can be classified as shown in Fig.13.3.

I. Based on the number of pairs of wheels coupled

1. Coupled locomotive: If two or more pairs of trailing wheels are coupled to driving wheels (in order to increase the adhesive force between the wheels and the track), it is called a coupled locomotive.

2. Uncoupled or single locomotive: In uncoupled locomotives, there is only one pair of driving wheels is used. This type of locomotives have become obsolete nowadays.

II. Based on the arrangement of two cylinders

1. Inside cylinder locomotive: If the two cylinders are placed between the wheels as shown in Fig.13.4(a), then it is called an inside cylinder locomotive.

2. Outside cylinder locomotive: If the cylinders are placed outside the driving wheels as shown in Fig.13.4(b), it is called an outside cylinder locomotive.

Theory of Machines: Unit V: Balancing and Vibration : Tag: : Types of Locomotives - partial balancing of locomotive engine [balancing of two cylinder engines]

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