Transforms and Partial Differential Equations: Unit IV: Fourier Transforms

Fourier Transform Pair

Definition, Properties, Proof Statement, Inversion formula, Parseval's identity, Convolution theorem, Solved Example Problems

Whatever definitions or format we use, there will be a difference in constant factor while finding F (s) = F [f(x)]. But this will be adjusted while expressing f(x) as a Fourier integral.


a. Fourier Transform: [Complex Fourier Transform] 

Definition : The complex (or infinite) Fourier Transform

The complex (or infinite) Fourier Transform of ƒ (x) is given by

Then the function f(x) is the inverse Fourier Transform of F (s) and is given by

The above (1) & (2) are jointly called Fourier transform pair.

Note: Whatever definitions or format we use, there will be a difference in constant factor while finding F (s) = F [f(x)]. But this will be adjusted while expressing f(x) as a Fourier integral.

For example, whatever definitions or format we use.


Let f(x) be a function satisfying Dirichlet's conditions in every finite interval (-l,l). Let F(s) denote the Fourier transform of f(x). Then at every point of continuity of f(x), we have

Proof : By Fourier integral theorem,



1. Linear property

F [af(x)+bg(x)] = a F [f(x)] + b F [g(x)]

where a and b are real numbers.

Proof :

2. Change of scale property

For any non-zero real

Proof : 

Similarly if a < 0

Combining (1) & (2), we get

3. Shifting property 

(i) F [f(x − a)] = eias F (s) (ii) F [eiax f (x)] = F [s+a]

Proof : (i) We know that,

(ii) We know that,

4. Modulation Property :

Modulation theorem :

If F (s) is the Fourier transform of f(x), then

F [f(x) cos ax] = 1/2 [F (s + a) + F (s − a)]

Proof: We know that,


Proof : We know that,

Differentiating both sides n times s, we get


Proof : We know that,


Proof : 


Proof: We know that,

Taking complex conjugate on both sides

9. F [f(-x)] = F(-s)

Proof: We know that,


Definition: Convolution

The convolution of two functions f(x) and g(x) is defined as

Convolution Theorem :

The Fourier transform of the convolution of f(x) and g(x) is the product of their Fourier transforms.

(i.e.,) F [f(x) * g (x) ] = F (s) G (s) = F [ƒ (x)] F [g (x)]


by changing the order of integration, we get


If F (s) is the Fourier transform of ƒ (x), then

Proof : By convolution theorem,

Note: In the same way, we can prove Parseval's identity for Fourier sine and cosine transforms.

II. (a) Problems based on Fourier Transform

[Complex Fourier Transform]


Example 4.2.a(1) : Find the Fourier Transform of

Solution: The given function can be written as

Example 4.2.a(2): Find the Fourier Transform of

Solution : The given function can be written as

Example 4.2.a(3): Find the Fourier transform of f(x) given by

Solution: The given function can be written as

Definition: Self reciprocal :

If a transformation of a function f(x) is equal to ƒ(s) then the function f(x) is called self reciprocal.

Example 4.2.a(4): Show that the Fourier Transform of


Show that is self-reciprocal with respect to Fourier Transform.

Solution :

Example 4.2.a(5): Find the Fourier transform of f(x) defined by


Example 4.2.a(6) : Show that the Fourier transform of

Solution: Given function can be written as 

Example 4.2.a(7) : Find the (complex) Fourier transform of


Example 4.2.a(8): Find the Fourier transform of

Solution: We know that,

Example 4.2.a(9) : Find the Fourier transform of

Solution: We know that,

Example 4.2.a(10) : Find the Fourier transform of Hence, show that is self reciprocal under Fourier transform.


Example 4.2.a(11) Find the Fourier transform of Dirac delta function δ (t− a).

Solution: The Dirac delta function is defined as

The Fourier transform of δ (t - a) is

Il.(b) Problems based on Fourier transform and its inversion formula

Example 4.2.b(1) : Find the Fourier transform of the function f(x) defined by

Hence, prove that

Solution: The given function can be written as

By Fourier inversion formula, we have

Example 4.2.b(2) : Find the Fourier Transform of

Solution: We know that,

By inversion formula

Note :

Even function :

If f (-x): f(x) in (−l,l) then f(x) is an even function.

Odd function :

If ƒ (-x) = -f(x) in (−l,l) then f(x) is an odd function

In the above problem, a cos sx is an even function,

a sin sx is an odd function

|x| is an even function,

|x| cos sx is an even function

|x| sin sx is an odd function.

Example 4.2.b(3): Find Fourier transform of e-a|x| and hence deduce that

Solution: We know that,

Using inversion formula, we get

Example 4.2.b(4): Find the Fourier transform of e-|x|  and hence find the Fourier transform of e-|x| cos 2x.


To find : F [e-|x| cos 2x]

By Modulation theorem,

Il.(c) Problems based on inversion formula, Parseval's identity and Convolution theorem

Example 4.2(1): Find the Fourier transform of where a is a positive real number.

Hence deduce that

Solution :

(i) Now, by Fourier inversion formula, we have

(ii) Using Parseval's identity

Example 4.2.c(2) Find the Fourier Transform of


The Fourier transform of f(x) is

Example 4.2.c(3): Show that the Fourier transform of


(i) Using inverse Fourier Transform, we get

Put x = 0, we get

(ii) Using Parseval's identity,

Example 4.2.c(4) : Find the Fourier transform of e-a|x| if a > 0

Deduce that

Solution: Given : f(x) = e-a|x|

See Example 4.2.b(3) in page no. 4.53

By Parseval's identity,

If F(S) is the Fourier transform of f(x), then

Example 4.2.c(5) Find the Fourier transform of


See Example 4.2.b(1) in page no. 4.48 for problems based on Fourier transform and its inversion formula

Example 4.2.c(6) : Find the Fourier transform of f(x) given by

Solution : The given equation can be written as

f(x) = 1 if -2 < x < 2

= 0 otherwise

F (s) = F [f(x)]

(i) Now, by Fourier inversion formula, we have

Example 4.2.c(7): Find the Fourier transform of e-|x|, using Parseval's identity show that


Example 4.2.c(8): If f(x) = then find the Fourier transform of f (x) and hence, evaluate using Parseval's identity.

Solution: We know that,

By Parseval's identity,

Example 4.2.c(9) : Verify convolution theorem for

Definition: Convolution theorem for Fourier transforms. The Fourier transform of the convolution of ƒ (x) and g(x) is the product of their Fourier transforms.

F [f(x) *g(x)] = F {f(x)} F {g (x)}

Hence, convolution theorem is verified.

Transforms and Partial Differential Equations: Unit IV: Fourier Transforms : Tag: : Definition, Properties, Proof Statement, Inversion formula, Parseval's identity, Convolution theorem, Solved Example Problems - Fourier Transform Pair